Thoughts on “real” books versus eBooks

People always ask which is better, real books or eBooks? Well recently I purchased three four real dead tree books from bookstores and I must admit I miss reading on my Kindle. I’ll tell you why.

  • I like the ease of highlighting without ruining the book
  • having all my highlights and notes in the same place
  • changing the text font and size
  • knowing my reading stats (what page I’m at in the book, chapter, % read, approximately how long it will take me to finish the chapter and book) ((I’m somewhat of stats junkie, I used to compute all these details by hand and having them automatic on the Kindle is simply amazing)) 
  • not having to search for a bookmark!!! (i.e., use an index card or loose piece of paper lying around)
  • no anxiety about finishing a book before I get home; just load the Kindle up with samples to my heart’s content

One thing that is nice is the physical feeling of moving through the book. Actually seeing and feeling where you’ve been and where you’re headed with a paper copy feels better than the virtual slider the Kindle affords. Still, the ease of simply closing the magnetic cover when I get to my stop or I am interrupted by someone (-_-) is also quite nice.

I wonder if other people have preferences on paper books or eBooks? I’m scared if I stop buying real books all the bookstores will close :O!!! Sounds like a dismal scene from a post apocalyptic world that I never want to experience.